HIDW2021丨Tik Tok Went Online to Carve up 10,000 Yuan in Cash to Find out Where the Magic Design is!
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There are always designs in life

That make you wonder

The designer must have been a magician in a previous life

How else could they have created such magicalobjects?

For example


The coolest way to open a door

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Mum doesn't have to worry about having guests at home anymore

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A small, uninspiring cardboard transformed with a single pull

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The designer, in addition to Voldemort, is a master of the secret room!

These designers’“brainchildren

The worlds they have created for us are magical

Do you also have some fantastic ideas

Or have an eye for magical design?

Hebei International Industrial Design Week 2021 is starting anew with the launch of the #Where is Magic Design topic in conjunction with the Tik Tok platform, inviting creative design talents from all over the internet, whether it is a dazzling, trendy, amusing front-end design, a practical, simple, exquisite life idea, or a quirky, nonsensical, witty video idea, with no restrictions on subject matter, occupation, or gender--

Be bold and unleash your magical creativity and you're invited to participate in online cash sharing in Tik Tok.

Magical Creative Discovery


Discover the magic of design

Show creative designs around you anytime, anywhere

Explore the infinite possibilities in life together

People spend at least 40,000 hours 

Sitting in a chair in their lifetime

So why not sit comfortably? 

The Tik Tok Master@闲人不闲 invites you to live comfortably!

Where is magical design? 

The magic seat is there! 

“Lazy” enough, comfortable enough!

China design, is thriving 

Urban design, is overwhelmed

The Tik Tok Master @日站君讲设计 to show you wonderful ideas!

Where is magical design? 

Design Week awaits you!


Original Magic Design

Blow your mind to share your exclusive original design and use creativity to salute life!

What’s the magical reaction 

When Jinx from LOL meets intellective Lego? 

Tik Tok Master @格鲁的乐高工厂can give you answer! 


Where is the magic design? 

As long as you start to create, computer can rise and fall automatically.

It’s definitely good design for cervical spine protection 

If the computer monitor can go up and down automatically following the height of sighting line

Tik Tok Master @爆改车间主任 brings 3D printing 

Into our daily life.


Where is the magic design? As long as you start to create, computer can rise and fall automatically.



抖音达人@王大能耐 以神奇设计定义传统黄历

It really has amazing utility

When this product combines Chinese calender with modern life

Tik Tok Master @王大能耐 defines traditional Chinese calender with the magic design


Where is the magic design?

You are the “koi fish” as long as blow your mind.


Join in the Magic Week

Join in HIDW 2021 and take a video for on-site excellent moments.


Participate the topic to share cash

From now to October 19th,2021, you can participate the topic activity to share cash. Following are the steps: Log in Tik Tok APP; search #Where is the magic design to the topic page; click task to post design-related videos; add the subtitle HIDW2021; finally, @河北国际工业设计周.

Everyone has different ideas about design

HIDW wants to find the one full of creativity and imagination

Let’s create more surprise together!

Where is the magic design

All i need is you

To share cash red pocket
